Team:NYU Abu Dhabi/Documentation/DOCS 20ee279bfcdc46b09c4fb108851b2757/Engineering 8297e0cf88af4f8fbfe00ad598c6a52f/Measurement 86375b01cc9340d8a7ed01121b1aa428/Electrochemical Detection E-CRISPR 1178b80d0978406a93166b886cb53aca

Electrochemical Detection/E-CRISPR

Electrochemical Detection/E-CRISPR

@Dimitrios Mastrogiannis


(Author, year)LinkComments
(P.Skládal,2014) overview of Electrochemical Detection. -Presentation of electrochemical immuno and nucleic acid sensing devices.
(Adriana S.Patterson, et al., 2013) of the different detection strategies -Describes the current state of the art -Identifies challenges of bringing the power of real-time detection to the point-of-care.
(Maria-NefeliTsaloglou, et al.,2018) isothermal amplification and electrochemical detection
(Alex Nemiroski, et al.,2014)
(Yifan Dai, et al., 2019) to create and e-DNA sensor, really detailed guide, comparison for cas9 and cas12.
(Decai Zhang, et al. ,2020) DNA detection, Really detailed description in electrode creation.
(Jeanne E.van Dongen, et al.,2020) of the detection methods and their accuracy, as used in different projects.
(Yifan Dai, et al., 2019) detection for ssDNA and CRISPR‐Cas12a (cpf1).
(Yi Li, et al.,2019) table with Major Characteristics for Classified CRISPR/Cas-based Biosensing Systemsa
(Richard Bruch, et al., 2019) of Cas13, readout time: 9 min, overall process time: 4 hours, used in miRNA diagnostics.